Good Morning!! It's Thursday and oh boy do I have lots to be thankful for and little time to share so here I Goooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
* We have new
Internet service! Yep I'm an Internet junkie & I must work on practicing time management because I got a lot done when I wasn't worried about finding time to spend on the crack top.
* It's amazing to be home with my
family!! I don't think I will be leaving home without them any time soon!
* LeAnne is still taking naps & going to
bed very very well!! It's out of this world awesome!
* I drug my buns down to our basement at 5:15am to
work out! I feel GREAT now but oh man no one is ever, ever allowed down their while I am working out because it's a scary sight. I am thankful I got moving, got my heart rate up, got sweating and my day is off to a good start. NOW the hard part for me is staying consistent. I want to shed pounds, and get in shape. This will help me have more energy, and feel better about myself. I would also love more than anything to go to my OB/GYN apt next spring having lost weight, have my PCOS under control because my body is processing the sugars better and I'd be thrilled if I could ovulate, & get pg on my own when we take that step.
* Oh so thankful for my new
hair style. It's been almost 10 years since I've had it curly so it will take some getting use to but I like that it's much easier to do and looks decent all day long. I hope to get it colored in the fall. I need more blond highlights! Blonds ROCK!
* I'll be forever thankful for the
miracle that I am a
mama! It's an honor, and a privilege I am aware not all women get to experience. My infertility journey opened my eyes! I pray for those who are still struggling I pray for strength, those who's dreams will never come true I pray for peace, for those on the road to adoption I pray the road will be short and smooth and for those children waiting to be adopted I pray your forever parents will find you SOON.
* Thankful God is
providing for our family! We have what we need and we are thriving. Sure they is a lot more we want, a lot more we want to do and places we'd like to go. No doubt our new financial reality is hard to get use to but we have to remember we are BLESSED beyond measure. I won't deny its upsetting when we can't afford to do something, I won't deny I stress out often about money, and I question if we can afford to add to our family. We have ALL we need! Our family would appreciate your prayers for wisdom, guidance and most of all that we would use God's money responsibly.
* I am so THANKFUL
Stellan is home and responding well to his new oral medications! Please take a moment to praise God for Stellan's health! Click on link to read an update & see an adorable picture of Stellan!
* On that note I am thankful for my our families
health! Sure we have our aches, and occasional sicknesses but all in all we are blessed with good health.
* Oh so happy & thankful cooler temperatures are heading our direction for a short while. I love summer for a lot of reasons but definitely look forward to temperature's in the 70's and 80's.
* So thankful for my
summer vacation! I LOVE being home with LeAnne! I love seeing my husband more because I am home. I love getting caught up on scrap books! I love not being exhausted all the time. I love TIME with LeAnne! I could get use to being a SAHM.
*So thankful for the awesome care my mama & John provided for LeAnne while I was gone for a week. They did leave out the fact that she crashed into my mom's bookshelf head first 15 minutes after I left! Poor girl had quite the bump on her head.
*Thankful Abby is doing well. Praise God! She still has a long journey ahead of her so please keep praying! (I'll link to her parents blog later, it can't get to it right now)
* Very thankful and excited my garden has done so well this year! We are starting to get lots of tomatoes, and hoping our cucumbers take off too!
I am thankful for TONS more but I have a toddler who needs breakfast so gotta run! What are you thankful for? Please feel free to link me to your blog or leave a comment. I still need to get the McLinky thing figured out. Have a blessed day!!!