Monday, March 14, 2011

This and That...

LeAnne had her first school pictures taken on Friday March 11th.  It was class/school picture day with an option to get individuals.  We are all lined up to get the whole school photo when I hear "Little girl put your dress down", followed by Mrs. Leonard that is your daughter. Oh my word!  Two photos in a row, up went the dress until our K-2 teacher said LeAnne dress down, hands in your lap.  Oh boy I think were in for a wild ride with our princess. It couldn't be she's been over photographed!. LOL!!

Later that day I asked her teacher how she had done for circle time.  She said she is busy ALL the time. I said "yes, she has been like that since the day she was born".

That night at dinner LeAnne says "I sat in time out today with my head town". I asked why and she said she was talking during circle time. oh my!

Another funny this week... Her teacher asked her what her last name was and she said pumpkin. Daddy and I are surprised she didn't rattle off LeAnne Kimberly Leonard Wing nut princess pumpkin monkey girl.  Oops!  Hence we've started to ask her a few times a day what her first and last name are.  She can spell her first name out loud and can almost write it.  The e is a little bit of a struggle and putting the letters in order on paper.  I have to remind myself she did just start school the last day of January this year.

Just this last week she has started to take books that she knows really well and pretend she is reading them.  Sunday night she asked me if I wanted her to read me a story.  Of course I said yes, to which she said okay sit criss cross, hands in your lap and  no talking.  She would look at the page, then turn the book towards me and tell me something about that page.  It was so precious!!

In other news;

John will be heading down to Oregon to pick up Amanda this coming Saturday the 19th.  She is going to spend her Spring break with us!  We are so HAPPY to have some time with her.  It's unreal to think she'll be 18 in April and only has about 12 weeks of high school left. 

John is now a pick up man again.  He scored a great deal on a nice looking truck.  I'll take some pictures to post this week.

I am once again considering going back to school to earn my Bachelor's degree in Education.  It would be an online degree from an accredited university.  It will take me about 3 years to earn but it's at a pace I can handle; 1 class at a time that last 5 weeks. Next step is to make sure I could be certified through the state with this course and then Financial Aid. 

Have an amazing week!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our new car

I'm so proud of my guy!  He was willing to trade in his truck to get a car with better gas millage.  He put a lot of work into that truck and loved it so I know it was hard for him to say good bye to the old girl.  Thank-you honey for making this sacrifice for your family!! His new car is a 2009 Ford Focus.  On our grocery trip to town yesterday we were averaging 35 miles per gallon of gas.  Gotta LOVE that!!
2009 Ford Focus

Sport Instrument Cluster

Front Seat

Back seat
Lots of room in the trunk

Do you have months is your ear?

LeAnne loves is our music lover.  She loves to sing and dance all the time.  Last weekend we heard Peanut on a rail road track, the ABC's, and Brown Bear Brown Bear a zillion times.  This weekend it was her version of Months of the year otherwise know as Months of the Ear. Some where along the way January and February were lost along with the Y sound. Its very precious but their are times I had to take a short break from the grand production.  Her favorite cartoon these days has been Little Einsteins and she is learning music terms such as Adagio,Allegro,Forte,presto, and Prestissimo, She knows when to use them too. It's adorable!! :-)

Here are some of her preschool art projects.

Here are some cute photos of Miss Independent getting herself all beautiful for school one morning.
Hey! No pictures yet! I'm not ready!

Oh boy did she ever have fun with that spray bottle

Now I'm ready!