As our Spring break in winding down I wanted to share some of our fun with you. LeAnne started our vacation being sick with a low grade fever and a stomach ache. Praise God the bug passed quickly and a follow up appointment to her doctor on Tuesday confirmed that her ear infections are gone! It only took 3 different antibiotics to do the trick! We've had a very low key Spring break. Princes LeAnne's body clock is set so we were up between 5 -5:30am every morning. I made up for that by slowly sipping coffee while either surfing the web or reading while she watched a few early morning cartoons.
My dad came to visit us for 4 days. LeAnne enjoyed seeing her Grandpa! John loved having dad here to help him in his shop with dry wall and electrical. I always love time to catch up with my dad. My favorite parts of the visit were the quiet times when dad shared bits and pieces of his life. He's a very kind, quiet soul who has lived a very interesting life. We missed seeing Grandma Elaine and her health is in our prayers.
A few weeks ago LeAnne asked me to come into her room. I found her sitting on her bed with a book and she asked me to sit criss cross in front of her so she could read me a book. It was the most adorable and precious thing I'd ever seen. I tried to have her do it again for the camera this morning, it's cute but it was so much better when she had the idea all on her own.
She's very into the books books by
Laura Numeroff at the moment. One afternoon we read If You Give a Pig a Pancake, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and If You Give a Pig a Party.
This is a book called the Legend of the 3 trees. It's a very special story,
click on this link to see part of the DVD that comes with the book. If you click this
link you hear another part with a song I LOVE. I also found another telling of the story
online. LeAnne's simple version of this story melted my heart. :-)
LeAnne's class has been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. LeAnne loves saying the word chrysalis. John was shocked when she knew what it was. This is a drawing a caterpillar. See where she started to spell daddy, not sure if that is a dp or meant to be a da. She said daddy as she was writing.
A friend of our gave LeAnne a big bag of scrap booking goodies and a few toys. She has made many mater pieces with the stickers and absolutely loves these Smart Links from a Wendy's kids meal. She loves working with her hands, building things which makes us wonder if she will be an architect one day! She's our little tinker. :-)
Today LeAnne & I went into town to have some lunch and then spent some time playing at Dayton Elementary school.
Have I told you all lately how much I love being a wife and a mother? I hope its obvious by the love I let shine through the pages of our blog. I am so blessed !!