Sunday, April 24, 2011

Garden angel…..hear me pray...

Protect LeAnne's garden….night and day!!  This mama's gardening skills have been hit or miss so I was a bit nervous planting LeAnne's Tomatoes & Radishes today that she got for Easter from Auntie Katie. On the label it says guaranteed to grow so we shall see. :-) If these plants don't grow never fear little girl mama is going to plant you some veggies in the garden when it warms up.  Our princess has already requested peas, beans, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli. Thanks to Grandma Marcia she will also get to grow a few sunflowers this year! 

All Things Grow with Love!! 

She loves blowing bubbles!

Easter 2011

He has risen! Happy Easter family & friends!!!  Yesterday I read LeAnne the book called The Miracle of Easter and then asked her why we celebrate Easter.  She said "Jesus". Then I tried to simply explain His crucifixion and resurrection. To which she said "Jesus comes back to life and picks up Easter eggs". Hee hee!  It's a start.

Yesterday LeAnne & I went to our towns city park Easter egg hunt.  It was a beautiful day, a lot of fun to see friends, pick up eggs and win prizes.  LeAnne found one of the golden eggs and won a huge Easter bunny.  We then came home where she got to color eggs for the first time. She thought this was lots of fun!! Later in the day we baked cookies in our newly fixed oven and played bubbles outside. 

This morning she opened all her Easter prizes from family and loved them!!  She also had a special chocolate Easter bunny on the porch from our neighbor.  The rest of the day will be very low key this year because daddy is working.  We will do an Easter egg hunt, and finish making our sugar cookies.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A few Firsts and a Few more stories read by LeAnne

Good Morning!  Yesterday was the first time LeAnne has been  to a day care.  Up until now except for church and school she has always been in the care of a family member.  It was an anxious afternoon for mama but LeAnne had lots of fun.  The gal who will be watching her a few days a week came highly recommended and seems like a real sweet heart.  My boss's daughter, who is also in LeAnne's preschool class goes there too so she knows someone already.  She will be going there Monday & Friday after preschool this week and all day today.  She is excited to go back!

On May 4th LeAnne will participate in her first School Fun run/walk. It is a really fun event for our school.  All K-5 children & staff ride the bus to a track 15 minutes away.  Each child has a number that is punched each time they go around the track.  The PTSA serves water and oranges to the participants.  Prizes are awards for the highest amount of laps completed and the most money raised for the school. John is off work that day so he will bring LeAnne down to participate as well since preschoolers are not allowed to ride the bus for safety reasons.  All proceeds from the fun run go to the Dixie PTSO who use the money for special events and equipment for the children.  Dixie Grade school has been a big blessing in our families life and we'd greatly appreciate anyone who would like to sponsor LeAnne.  You can pledge by the lap or a set amount of money.  Please make checks out to Dixie PTSO. All money needs to be collected by May 6th. Thank-you so much in advance for your support of an amazing little country school !! 
A new outfit she got this weekend!

Here is LeAnne reading Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see, a book from school.  See how she is learning to use her reader finger.  :-)  One of our favorite things to do together is sit on the living room floor and take turns reading books.  :-)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Autism Awareness Month giveaway

Autism Awareness Month giveaway at Smartknit Kids and Autism Spectrum

Our friends over at SmartKnitKids and Autism Spectrum are having a HUGE giveaway right now!   This is such an amazing prize package I just had to share it with all of you!!! 

Dizzy Disc Jr
Eye Spy Sensory Bag
Tactile Discs
Color Wonder Lap Desk
Hand Print Canvas Set
Flower Head Vase
Flip Video Camera
2 pairs of SmartKnitKIDS Socks
1 pair of SmartKnitKIDS Undies
1 SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Under-Tee

What an amazing Group of companies!!!!!!  SmartKnitKids was also a HUGE sponsor for the SPD Foundation and our event back in October!!   Awesome Company, Great Products!   They really go above and beyond for our special little guys!!!  
As a para-professional my life has been greatly impacted by a young man with PPD, ADHD, SPD and ONH. He is an amazing young man who keeps on exceeding expectations of others.  I am so very proud of him!! 

THANK YOU, SmartknitKids and Autism Spectrum!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

She's an emergent reader, tinker, and artist!

As our Spring break in winding down I wanted to share some of our fun with you.  LeAnne started our vacation being sick with a low grade fever and a stomach ache. Praise God the bug passed quickly and a follow up appointment to her doctor on Tuesday confirmed that her ear infections are gone! It only took 3 different antibiotics to do the trick!  We've had a very low key Spring break.  Princes LeAnne's body clock is set so we were up between 5 -5:30am every morning. I made up for that by slowly sipping coffee while either surfing the web or reading while she watched a few early morning cartoons.

My dad came to visit us for 4 days. LeAnne enjoyed seeing her Grandpa!  John loved having dad here to help him in his shop with dry wall and electrical.  I always love time to catch up with my dad.  My favorite parts of the visit were the quiet times when dad shared bits and pieces of his life.  He's a very kind, quiet soul who has lived a very interesting life. We missed seeing Grandma Elaine and her health is in our prayers.

A few weeks ago LeAnne asked me to come into her room.  I found her sitting on her bed with a book and she asked me to sit criss cross in front of her so she could read me a book.  It was the most adorable and precious thing I'd ever seen.  I tried to have her do it again for the camera this morning, it's cute but it was so much better when she had the idea all on her own.

She's very into the books books by Laura Numeroff at the moment.  One afternoon we read If You Give a Pig a Pancake, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and If You Give a Pig a Party.

This is a book called the Legend of the 3 trees.  It's a very special story, click on this link to see part of the DVD that comes with the book.  If you click this link you hear another part with a song I LOVE.  I also found another telling of the story online. LeAnne's simple version of this story melted my heart. :-)


LeAnne's class has been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.  LeAnne loves saying the word chrysalis.  John was shocked when she knew what it was.  This is a drawing a caterpillar.  See where she started to spell daddy, not sure if that is a dp or meant to be a da.  She said daddy as she was writing.

A friend of our gave LeAnne a big bag of scrap booking goodies and a few toys.  She has made many mater pieces with the stickers and absolutely loves these Smart Links from a Wendy's kids meal.  She loves working with her hands, building things which makes us  wonder if she will be an architect one day! She's our little tinker. :-)

Today LeAnne & I went into town to have some lunch and then spent some time playing at Dayton Elementary school.

Have I told you all lately how much I love being a wife and a mother?  I hope its obvious by the love I let shine through the pages of our blog.  I am so blessed !!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Preschool Picture/Spring break

LeAnne absolutely loves preschool!  She is learning a lot and building her immune system.  Poor girl had never been to the doctor for an illness before she started preschool and now she's had 3 ear infections, a few colds and the stomach flu.  It took 3 different antibiotics to get rid of her ear infections. Knock on wood... she's been healthy for a few days. 

Her preschool class is learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and have 5 caterpillars in class that they hope turn into butterflies. LeAnne loves the word chrysalis. Her teacher had them act out the life style on the floor and I've been trying to get that on video. 

This week is our Spring break.  It's been a great week so far and makes me excited for Summer vacation. It's been a very low key vacation.  We had a very nice visit with Grandpa Larry.  Both LeAnne and I got our hair cut.  We've done some crafts, and read a lot of books together yesterday. 

My goal is to post some recent pictures this week of our princess but for now here is her preschool picture.