Don’t Ignore this Week
April 22-28, 2012 is National Infertility Awareness Week®, a nationwide campaign intended to educate the public about infertility and the concerns of the infertility community. Since 1989, RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association has led efforts to celebrate this special week by hosting events and activities designed to encourage grassroots advocacy and motivate the infertility movement.
During NIAW 2012, we are calling upon everyone in the infertility community to commit to some act – large or small – to show that we won’t ignore infertility. Together, we can educate millions of people about a disease that is often overlooked and misunderstood by healthcare professionals, the government, insurance companies, the media, and even friends and family members.
It’s time to make our voices heard!
For more information check out this great website
My goal this week is to share my journey with infertility, facts about infertility and how to love someone on their infertility journey. I am having a rough time getting started so today I want to share with you an excellent blog series about How to love people dealing with infertility.