She loves wearing Oma's glasses

Thank-you for the stickers Nana Alice! LeAnne thinks they look great on Oma's arm.

This is LeAnnes awesome desk at Oma's. She spends a lot of time here coloring. Thank-you Auntie Kym for letting her borrow it at Oma's.

Time to make sugar cookies at Oma's with her cousins.

Here is a short video clip I took of her enjoying the beaters. :-) Thanks for stopping by our family blog. Have a blessed day!!
For more wordless Wednesday fun head over to 5 minutes for Moms.
Grandparents' houses are always the best place to have fun and get goodies! LOL! Your little girl is adorable!
I think it's neat that she calls her Grandma Oma-my little ones call my parents Oma and Opa too! :-)
So sweet!! I bet she will always remember these sweet moments.
What better place for the stickers than Grandma's arm... I love it.
Such a cute video- what a good helper! :)
Those glasses are adorable!
Such good memories she'll have!
Those are great! Looks like fun!
Looks like a great time at Oma's. My little guy calls his grandparents Oma and Opa too.
Love the picture in the glasses.
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