Sunday, December 30, 2007

So blessed we R! LeAnne's 1st Christmas

WOW how blessed are we!! We had a beautiful Christmas! The only thing that could make it more perfect was if our Amanda girl was with us. LeAnne and I woke daddy up at 7am, let him get some coffee and then we opened presents. I had so much fun opening LeAnne's gifts - so excited daddy said hey let me open a few...oops! The pups enjoyed their new toys as well... it's so fun to have dogs that love their toys. Daddy spoiled mama again this year! Daddy was one happy guy too! LeAnne got a bath, and then off to spend the day at Grandma Marcia's house. We had a lot of fun just hanging out with mom, it was very relaxing. LeAnne was such a good girl, everyone enjoyed spending time with her and she even took a wee lil nap in her crib at grandma's. The weather man had been forcasting a chance of snow and what do ya know early afternoon it did begin to snow. How cool...LeAnne's first Christmas was a white Christmas. We talked to Amanda on the phone briefly and look forward to seeing her in February if not before. It sure was odd not to have her with us, the first time in 6 years, we missed her. We headed home around 6pm when LeAnne began to melt, needing some quiet, and her own house. As we headed home John and I were able to make a few detours to look at lights before our girl comepletely lost it. We feel so incredibly blessed and look forward to future Christmas seasons.

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