Thursday, July 28, 2011


Our little girl has quite the dynamic personality! Not a day in her life have I ever wondered how she was feeling.  All is well with the world when LeAnne is content but look out when she's not upset.

She is quite the extrovert.  During the school year she would enter the school building and say "Good Morning kids!"  Actually she will say hi to just about anyone she meets.  Everyone who talks back to her is her best friend. 

It's been fun this summer to watch her imagination expand.  Adorable are the backseat telephone calls she has with Grammy Sally. One such conversation went something like this "Hi Grammy Sally, you want to come to my house to see my tower? Okay see ya later bye!"

She has exceptional hearing which causes us to be on our toes because she is quite the parrot.  I am famous for joking around telling John to be nice to me when he jokes with me.  Well one of LeAnne's recent lectures to me went like this "you need to be nice to me, it's not nice to be angry, you need to be happy, okay mom?!"  Oh boy!  The other day while she was picking up walnuts in the back yard I heard her say "more walnuts, you're killing me Grrr!"  She gets the inflections perfect!

She is a very polite little girl who does very well saying please and thank-you.  She keeps us accountable by telling us when we need to say please, thank you and your welcome. Geesh! LOL!!  She is very kind.  Many times a day she tells me "I'm so proud of you!"  She doesn't quite get the concept but know its good and makes mama happy.

I can't believe how quickly these last 3 1/2 years have gone by.  Our little girl is now sleeping in a beautiful full size bed(Thank-you Auntie for the Crib that converts, I'll get a picture up soon). 

She's been testing her mama a lot this summer.  Its frustrating but I stay strong, talk with her a lot and keep her accountable for her behavior. I'm thankful she has an amazing daddy who's amazing when it comes to discipline, spends quality time with her and tells her how much he loves her all the time.

I love you my precious girl!  I am very thankful for summer when I can be home with you!

I had to update this post by adding what LeAnne said to me this morning. We were just hanging out around the house before daddy went to bed and she says "Fiddy abby ahnt", I am thinking huh? So I said had her say it a few more times.  John and I had no clue. Then I said where did you hear that, she said Toy Story, so I asked who said it to which she answered Buzz Light Year so I think some more and say it to myself a few times "Fiddy Abby Ahnt, Fiddy Abby Ahnt. Then it his me she was saying "To infinity and beyond"!  She confirmed that was what she was saying!  Hysterical!

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