Wednesday, July 16, 2008

9 Month Dr Apt

LeAnne's Dr eneded up not being out of the office on her originally scheduled apt, which was yesterday. YEAH!! She was in such a happy mood and very very active! She is 28" long and weighs 18.3 lbs. Oh and her head is 46cm. So she's our tall skinny girl with a big head to fit all those brains in! :-) Dr says she looks great and is doing well developmentally too. She didn't even cry when they took blood for her anemia test. Her Dr did say now is the time we can start working on bedtime/naptime routines. This outta be interesting. I know..good in the long run so mama gets some sleep but I know it will be rough getting there. She goes back to the Dr in October when she's a year.

We then had a picnic lunch at Pioneer park, walked around a bit and then took some pictures of Amanda & LeAnne. It was a sister shoot/LeAnne's 9 month portrait picture. I'll post when I've had a chance to work on em in Photoshop a bit. We have a family picture apt at Sears on the 24th of this month.

Amanda, Grandma Marcia & I now know how to give CPR. It was a good class and fun to hang together! Daddy survived a few hours alone with LeAnne, although it was ROUGH! He said she napped then woke up SCREAMING and kept screaming for 2 hours. Both were glad to see mama walk in the door.

Please keep my neice S***** in your prayers! She tangled with a cow yesterday while working and is pretty banged up. Her right arm is hurt, not sure if it's broken, her back is hurt some, both legs and she has a big hematoma on her leg. She is home resting today. She is a very very hard worker and we are praying she has a quick recovery. We hope she can go with us this weekend to Silverwood but most important is okay.

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