Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Good Morning!

It's time for another edition of Thankful ramblings from Jana... Here is my list this week in no particular order:

1. My student has a new OT (Occupation Therapist) who is educated/trained in Sensory Integration (SI). I met her yesterday & she is young, energetic and seems wonderful!! Next week she is going to bring a check list so I can share more about his SI behaviors. :-)

2. One more week of school and then it's SPRING BREAK! Praise God! I am so ready for a break, ready to spend more time with my fave lil girl and have a ton of Spring cleaning to get done. Plus our blog is in desperate need of a Spring make over.

3. I am so thankful for all my mama does for our family! LeAnne is very lucky to have a grandma who adores her!

4. I am very thankful to have found Angie's blog. Her daughter's legacy is so beautiful, Angie is an amazing person and I am thankful she leads her blog readers to those who need prayer. I am honored, and humbled to be able to pray for these families! I've spent a few drives to work in tears as I lift up these family who have lost children or are facing a difficult journey with a complicated pregnancy or a sick child. Thank-you Angie!

5. I am VERY VERY thankful I was so blessed growing up!! I wish I could give what I had to many more children. My heart aches for what they must endure and I wanna slap some sense into their parents.

6. Oh so thankful for my daughters

** Hold on one moment, I need to interrupt this regular broad cast to bring you a few CUTE pictures of LeAnne coloring in her high chair yesterday. I was cleaning up dinner preparations and getting ready to give her dinner when she wanted to color so I thought Ah ha I'll tape a piece of paper to her high chair tray and let her color there. She loved it and I got lots done! Gotta love these win/win moments!

She loves to put the crayons in the box, then
dump them all out and put them back in again.

Notice her adorable little feet... when she is
concentrating hard she crosses her feet.

Coloring is serious business!

7. Thankful Spring in on the way!

8. Thankful Summer break is CLOSE.. in less that 3 months I'll have a few months off. School is out June 11th and the first day of school is Sept. 8th. Wahooooooooo!!

9. Very thankful God lead me to a job where I feel I have a purpose. I can see he's been preparing me for this for a while. I have a huge heart for children with challenges and I know it's where I belong. I've thought about going to back to school to get my BA & then Masters degree so I could become an Occupation Therapist. Once our kidlets are older of course.

10. Very thankful for my health, and for my husbands health, and for our children's health!

11. Thankful to have grown up in the Pacific Northwest/Seattle area. Until I moved away I didn't realize how lucky I was to have so many attractions at my finger tips. I was lucky enough to go see the Ocean, the Mountains, beautiful lakes, evergreen forests, an amazing zoo, a very cool science center, The Space needle, an active volcano a year after it had erupted, camped in a rain forest, went to many concerts, my grandpa Fran took me to us to see the Nutcracker I was little, attended professional basket ball, base ball games, went to horse races (worked at the track), and the list goes on and on. WOW I was blessed!! I wish I had the means to scoop up all of our school kids and take them to experience even a few of these attractions!

12. Thankful for the cold medicine I am about to go take! :-)

This is just a short list of what I am thankful for. What are you thankful for? Please feel free to comment. Have a blessed day!!

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