Friday, May 23, 2008

Unthinkable accident - Prayer request for Chapman family

At approximately 5pm on the afternoon of Wednesday May 21st, Maria Sue Chapman, 5 years old and the youngest daughter to Steven and Mary Beth Chapman was struck in the driveway of the Chapman home in Franklin, TN. Making the accident even more tragic was the fact her 16 year old brother was driving the SUV. Maria did not survive the accident. For more information please see the following links - - and a video of Maria with her dad - For those who don't know Steven Curtis Chapman is an amazing Christian muscian. Please keep the Chapman family in your prayers. It absolutely breaks my heart to think about what they are going through right now. Only God can provide the peace, and the healing the family will need to see their way through this terrible accident.

I can't tell you how many times in the past few days I've kissed my little girl, told her I loved her and thanked God for blessing our life with her. Steven Curtis Chapman recently wrote, and recorded an amazing song called "Cinderella" an amazing message.

I've been reading through the thousands of comments left for the Chapmans . This was one of my favorite pieces that someone wrote:

The stroke of midnight came too soon.
The grand ball came to an expected and unexplainable close for yourCinderella.
And like the story-book Cinderella, the magic came to an end,but in a different way.
Your Cinderella exchanged her beautiful gown, not for common clothes, butfor a spotless, white robe.
Her glass slippers for a street paved with gold.Her tuxedoed attendants for a host of saints and a chorus of angels.
Her distant prince for the ever-present Prince of Peace.
Her bejeweled chariot for a heavenly mansion prepared since the foundationof the world.
And she exchanged her gleaming white horses for the reality that she neverneeds to rush off again - she is now home.
Really, the grand ball came to a close for those left behind.
But for Cinderella it is just beginning.

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