Sunday, August 31, 2008

A weekend of firsts for our girl !

First trip to a fair, we went to the Walla Walla county fair. LeAnne did as good as can be expected when she cooped up for that long in her stroller. She really loved the carnival/game areas and we can't wait to take her on some kiddie rides next year. She had her first taste of a snow cone, and yakisoba noodles. It was too funny, John and I were sharing some Yakisoba, John was holding LeAnne when all of a sudden she grabbed a noodle, not a handful but a noodle. Her fine motor skills amaze us! She also liked seeing the animals.

Then later that day while John & I were watching her play in the living room she took her first step!! Yeah baby! How cool is that mama & daddy got to see your first step together! I was in tears of course! It was a tiny step but it was a step! Then on Sunday daddy & I were having her walk to us and she took two quick steps to me and a few one steps and then fell down.

Here's a picture of our fearless wonder standing her walker. She also go her first boo boo that bled today. :-( Thankfully she just bumped her tooth and is just fine.

She also played with Tommie's Breyer horses for the first time and rode Tommie's pony Nubby for the first time bareback.

I feel so incredibly blessed to have been home for all of LeAnne's big firsts! It's been said to me a few times this weekend that it's possible I am right where I am supposed to be right now and the perfect job will come my way in God's time, not mine. Well this mama is gonna go try to write a cover letter real quick and then rest while LeAnne is napping. She's been one BUSY BUSY lil bee today!

1 comment:

Eva said...

Way to go LeAnne!!!! That is awesome!! I got all teary eyed when Mackenzie took her first steps too. I am so glad she did it for the first time with both of you there.